Olivia’s Parrots Actually Bite, So Pull Finger – Move Quick!


Mnemonic Device:

  • Olivia’s Parrots Actually Bite, So Pull Finger – Move Quick!

Explanation: The Olivia-sentence can be used to remember either the order of crystallization of igneous minerals or the order of silicate minerals from least to most resistant.

  • Olivine, Pyroxene, Calcium Plagioclase, Amphibole, Biotite, Sodium Plagioclase, Potassium Feldspar, Muscovite, Quartz

Additional Information:

  •  The PC stands for Pyrox. and Cal. Plag.
  • BS = Biotite and Sod. Feld – these minerals crystallize around the same temperature. BS and PC are a reminder that the order of crystallization is not as sequential as the Olivia-mnemonic suggests.

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