Mnemonics to help you multiply

Multiplying is easy with these tools

The Rule of Nines – Multiplication

Mnemonic Device: 9 x 3 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9) Explanation: Between one times nine and nine times nine, the numbers in the result always add up to nine!
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8 times 8 fell on the floor, pick it up and it’s 64

  Mnemonic Device: 8 times 8 fell on the floor, pick it up and it’s 64. I ate and ate until I was sick on the floor. 8 x 8
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Six and Eight went out to skate; when they came back they were Forty-Eight.

  Mnemonic Device: Six and Eight went out to skate; when they came back they were Forty-Eight. Explanation: to remember what 6 times 8 equals 6 x 8 = 48

Multiplication of 9 times any number from 1 to 10

  Mnemonic Device: To multiply by 9, hold your hands palms down in front of you. Then, fold down the finger (counting from the left pinky to the right pinky)
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