Mnemonic Device: Naughty Elephants Spray Water Variations: Never Eat Salty Worms Never Eat Shredded Wheat Never Eat Slimy Worms Never Eat Soggy Waffles Never Ever Smoke Weed Never Eat Soggy
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Mnemonic devices for Navigation
Lost your East or West? Never Eat Slimy Worms. We've more to get you back on your track....
Wind Directions: North, East, South, West
PORT is a red wine, and red is the left side of politics. Red Left Port. There’s always some red port (wine) left.
 Mnemonic Device: PORT is a red wine, and red is the LEFT side of politics. Red Left Port. There’s always some Red Port (wine) Left. Explanation: to remember the name of
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East is Least. West is Best.
 Mnemonic Device: East is Least. West is Best. Explanation: a mnemonic device to remember the direction of Sunrise and Sunset.
Red on right, returning
 Mnemonic Device: Red on right, returning Explanation: A mnemonic for the Americas’ coastal and intracoastal waters. When returning to port, the red buoys should be on the right side (starboard) of
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PORT has four letters.
 Mnemonic Device: PORT has four letters. Explanation: To remember that the left side of the ship is PORT. LEFT and PORT both have four letters.
The “E” in WEST rhymes with the “E” in LEFT.
 Mnemonic Device: The “E” in WEST rhymes with the “E” in LEFT. Explanation: to remember that if the direction of North is known, West is always to the Left.
Nautical: Can dead men vote twice at elections; or, True virgins make dull companions, add whiskey
 Mnemonic Device: Can dead men vote twice at elections OR, True virgins make dull companions, add whiskey Explanation: to remember the steps to correct a magnetic compass to true
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Never Eat Sour Watermelon
 Mnemonic Device: Never Eat Sour Watermelon Explanation: a mnemonic device for the four cardinal directions. Never stands for North, Eat stands for East, Sour stands for South, Watermelon stands
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