Mnemonic devices which don't belong to a category (yet)

Miscellaneous practical devices (measure your socks) and for general purposes (open or close bottles)

The size of your socks

  Mnemonic Device: A trick to measure the size of your socks without taking them off! Watch this YouTube video:   The length of your foot is the same as the circumference
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Righty tighty, lefty loosey

  Mnemonic Device: Righty tighty, Lefty loosey Time is always right (clockwise to tighten) Explanation: This mnemonic helps to remember how most regular screws, light bulbs and bottles can be
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Women are always right or…men are leftovers!

  Mnemonic Device: Women are always right, or…men are leftovers! Explanation: to remember that women’s clothing buttons right over left, and men’s clothing buttons left over right.

Hi, Hello! Little Beryll Brown Cracking Nuts On Friday. Nellie’s Naughty Magpie Always Sings Pop Songs Clearly After Killing Cathy

  Mnemonic Device: Hi, Hello! Little Beryll Brown Cracking Nuts On Friday. Nellie’s Naughty Magpie Always Sings Pop Songs Clearly After Killing Cathy. Explanation: to remember the first twenty elements of the Periodic
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C = Contrast U = Unity M = Movement B = Balance E = Emphasis R = Repetition

  Mnemonic Device: CUMBER* C = Contrast, U = Unity, M = Movement, B = Balance, E = Emphasis, R = Repetition Explanation: to remember the elements of design *does not
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Working Wives Have Seldom Had Really Jazzy Hemlines, triple-E Rubber bands Hardly Help

  Mnemonic Device: Working Wives Have Seldom Had Really Jazzy Hemlines, triple-E Rubber bands Hardly Help Explanation: to remember the order of English monarchs from William the Conqueror through Henry the
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aequor, marmor, cor decline neuter; arbor feminine

  Mnemonic Device: aequor, marmor, cor decline neuter; arbor feminine Explanation: to remember the gender of Latin nouns

A Crazy Insurgent Shot Someone For Making Oatmeal

  Mnemonic Device: A Crazy Insurgent Shot Someone For Making Oatmeal Explanation: to remember the Krebs Cycle. Acetyl CoA, Citrate, Isocitrate, Succinyl CoA, Succinate, Fumarate, Malate, Oxaloacetate

An easy way to teach children how to tie their shoes

  Mnemonic Device: The silly bunny has two ears and crossed eyes, he picks his nose and pulls his ears. Explanation: An easy way to teach children how to tie their shoes.
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143 = I Love You

  Mnemonic Device: 143 = I Love You Explanation: used for texting, in social media, etc. 1 = I 4 = Love 3 = You