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More interesting mnemonics:
- The alligators always want to eat the most they can. They always eat the bigger number.
- Sing the names of the elements to the tune of “London Bridge is Falling Down.”
- LIttle BEtty Boron Could Not Often Find Neon
- Eat A Darn Good Breakfast Everyday
- All Cows Eat Grass, or All Cars Eat Gas
- Many African Tourists Like Elephants
- Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can’t Handle
- Every Good Boy Deserves Fun
- Old Charlie Foster Hates Women Having Dull Clothes
- Mnemonic Video Device for the Periodic Table
- “Mr. Mean”
- Mnemonic for Japanese Verbs
- Every Rabbit Associates Kindly With Gophers
- Old People Catch Easy Breaks
- Idiot, Please Carry Everyones’ Biology Books
- The Magnificent Seven: 7 x 6 = 42 and 7 x 7 = 49
- This and These both have T’s, That and Those don’t.
- All Students Take Calculus
- See My Horse Eat Oats
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