Presidents of the USA

Mnemonic Device to remember the Presidents:

Mount_Rushmore_(square)When A Joke Made Me A Joker,
Van Held The Poker,
The Fiery Poker,
But Long John Grant Had Gone
And Chased His Crazy Mooses
‘Round The West Hollering,
“Can’t Help Rinse Those Empty Kettles Just Now, Friend.”
Come ‘Round By Charlie’s Bed Often (or: Colanders Rinse Bad Cabbage Best, Obviously)

Explanation: A rhyme to remember the U. S. Presidents in order. The first letter of each word corresponds to the first letter of the last name of each president. “Chased” and “Crazy” both refer to Grover Cleveland and represent his two split terms. I know that the plural of “moose” is not “mooses,” but that’s how it was taught to us. The mnemonic has remained unchanged from “When” to “Friend” for quite a while now.


The order of the presidents of the U.S.

  • Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, (Quincy) Adams, Jackson,
  • Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk,
  • Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce,
  • Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield,
  • Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley,
  • Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding,
  • Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford,
  • Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama

Help us!!
Clearly, with each new president, change is required. With the upcoming election 2016 we would like you to complete this mnemonic so we’ll have an up to date version as soon as the election is over. Just assume one of the candidates wins and submit your (complete) alternative mnemonic, scroll down to the comment area…..


  • Washington’s Army Jogged Many Miles, And Jogged Very Hard To Philadelphia, To Find Pretty British Ladies
  • When A Joke Made Me A Joker, Van Had To Poke The Fiery Poker
  • Will A Jolly Man Make A Jolly Visitor? How Truly Poor That First Paper Boy Looks
  • (second set of eight presidents) Happy Teens Poked The First Purple-Bearded Lamb


See also Wikipedia, a list of all the presidents of the US:



  1. I like how short and funny this is. I think it will help (after I memorize it!)

  2. EDEE WATT says

    This is so cool! I learned it while in the Sixth Grade in 1942.

  3. Washington And Jefferson Made Many A Joke VanBuren Had Trouble Plenty To Find Proper Banknotes Let Johnson Go Home Gladly
    How Could Harry Run Twice
    Can anyone remember how the gap from Arthur to Cleveland’s 2nd goes and or a continuation after Truman.

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