Some Scientists Make Money, But My Brother Says Beautiful Blonds Make More


Mnemonic Device:

  • Some Scientists Make Money, But My Brother Says Beautiful Blonds Make More.

Explanation: To remember the functions of Cranial Nerves, whether they are Sensory, Motor, or Both (mixed).

  • Olfactory (SENSORY), Optic (SENSORY), Oculomotor (MOTOR), Trochlear (MOTOR), Trigeminal (BOTH), Abducens (MOTOR), Facial (BOTH), Vestibulocochlear or Auditory (SENSORY), Glossopharyngeal (BOTH), Vagus (BOTH), Spinal or Accessory (MOTOR), Hypoglossal (MOTOR)



  1. Its very helpful to learn names of diffrent cranial nerves

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