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More interesting mnemonics:
- This and These both have T’s, That and Those don’t.
- Harold, He Lies Below But Can Not Open Fire, Nenamgal Sipsclar (NeNaMgAl SiPSClAr). Kings Can Scan Till fiVe Cruel Men Feel Cold Nights. CouZins Gave German Assassins Several British Kremlin Robbers.
- F A C E spells FACE
- Do like an otter, add acid to water.
- Olivia’s Parrots Actually Bite, So Pull Finger – Move Quick!
- Ms. Dee is so MEAN; she makes me ADD then DIVIDE
- Recycling Gives Environments Really Rich Soil To Nature
- T A M
- All the books of the New Testament
- Older Deer Play Together Cautiously
- X marks the spot right HERE: esta (Spanish for “this one”) vs. esa (“that one”).
- Taxonomy for Humans
- We require a mnemonic to remember e whenever we scribble math. To express e, remember to memorize a sentence to simplify this
- Sally, Angela, Ben Bake Pies
- May I have a large container of coffee?
- I’m Acting Atypical of Myself