Lots of mnemonic devices & memory devices for Biology

How to remember taxonomy classes and various biology facts. Many tips and tricks. Learn more and remember them forever.

Classes and sub-classes of Phylum Mollusca

  Mnemonic Device: Some Grownups Can’t See Magic Ponies But Children CAN Explanation: to remember the classes and sub-classes of Phylum Mollusca S – Scaphopoda G – Gastropoda C – Caudofoveata
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Many Stupid People Take French

  Mnemonic Device: Many Stupid People Take French Explanation: to remember the characteristics of monocots Monocots Scattered vascular bundles Parallel leaf venation Threes (units of floral parts) Fibrous roots

Dead Repairman Never Fix Taps

  Mnemonic Device: Dead Repairman Never Fix Taps Explanation: to remember the characteristics of dicots Dicots Ring of vascular bundles Netted leaf venation Fours or fives (units of floral parts) Taproots

The cat Peed on a MAT.

  Mnemonic Device: The cat Peed on a MAT. Explanation: to remember PMAT for cell division Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Idiot, Please Carry Everyones’ Biology Books

  Mnemonic Device: Idiot, Please Carry Everyones’ Biology Books Explanation: in ecology, the levels of organization from smallest to biggest 1) Individual > Idiot 2) Population > Please 3) Community >
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I’m Acting Atypical of Myself

  Mnemonic Device: I’m Acting Atypical of Myself Explanation: to remember that, in the sarcomere, the I-band consists of Actin and the A-band consists of Myosin. The “Atypical” part also explains
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Five Classes of Echinoderms

  Mnemonic Device: All Have Calcareous Ossicle Endoskeleton Explanation: to remember that, other than tetra radial symmetry, the calcareous ossicle endoskeleton is the only characteristic shared by all 5 classes of
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Old People Catch Easy Breaks

  Mnemonic Device: Old People Catch Easy Breaks Explanation: the five levels at which relationships, between biotic and abiotic factors, in ecosystems are studied. Old = Organisms People = Populations Catch
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Zombies Are Brown and Dirty

  Mnemonic Device: Zombies Are Brown and Dirty Variations: Zombies Are Better Dead Zoos Always Become Dirty Zebras Are Big Dummies Zippers Always Break Down Zap A Bear Dead Alternative
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The Four F’s of the Hypothalamus

  Mnemonic Device: Food, Fun, Fever and Fornication (sex) Explanation: to help students remember the four body functions that the hypothalamus controls. Hunger, sense of fun, body temperature and sexual motivation