Mnemonic devices for Physics

Remember the colors of the rainbow, and much much more...

If I Do I Die

  Mnemonic Device: If I Do I Die Explanation: to remember the relationship between focal length and object & image distance, from a lens or mirror 1/f = 1/do + 1/di
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Our Pizza Really Has Extra Awesome Cheese

  Mnemonic Device: Our Pizza Really Has Extra Awesome Cheese Explanation: to remember the steps for the Scientific Method Observe, Problem, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analyze, Conclusion

The Strong Man’s Thermometer Exploded

  Mnemonic Device: The Strong Man’s Thermometer Exploded Explanation: It’s used for memorizing the layers of the atmosphere. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere.

BB ROY Great British is Very Good Wife

  Mnemonic Device: B.B. ROY Great British is Very Good Wife Explanation: to remember the color code for carbon resistance (resistors) Black Blue Red Orange Yellow Green Brown Violet Grey White


  Mnemonic Device: SCAN Explanation: for the magnetic field induced in a coil (loop) South Clockwise/Anti-Clockwise North

King Gallon had 4 Queens (Quarts). Each Queen had 2 Princesses (Pints). Each Princess had 2 Cats (Cups).

  Mnemonic Device: King Gallon had 4 Queens (Quarts). Each Queen had 2 Princesses (Pints). Each Princess had 2 Cats (Cups). Explanation: to help in remembering 1 gallon = 4 quarts,
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  Mnemonic Device: PEN Explanation: to remember the particles in an atom P rotons E lectrons N eutrons